Avoid -10x Hires

“Software Engineers Are The World’s Most Scarce Resource”

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Chamath Palihapitya

American Venture Capitalist, Engineer, SPAC Sponsor, Founder and CEO of Social Capital.

Nullify the output of 10 engineers.
Create 400 hours of busywork.
Create 400 hours of burnout/turnover.
Hold 10 engineers hostage in a technical discussion.
Add 400 hours of communication overhead.
Waste 10 weeks of wages on cloud costs.
Create useless tools.
Add 400 hours of compilation/build time.
Write pointless tests.
Waste 400 hours of engineering on bad architecture.
Waste 400 hours on deployment.
Lose 10 weeks of wages on unhappy customers.
Write worthless documentation.
Trap 10 engineers in a futile skunkworks project.
Add dependencies that demand 400 hours of maintenance.
Delay pivoting.
Hire 10 0x engineers.
Hire 5 -1x engineeers.
Prevent 10 -1x engineers from getting fired.
Incur 400 hours of bug triage.
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